Pink Slyme Rainbow Wig Wag Sherlock

This insanely heady glass Sherlock pipe has a most unique, one of a kind appearance that pushes one to wonder "Just how much awesome can be packed into a single piece of functional glass?" This amazing piece is a kickstand style Sherlock pipe which has some master fuming work that shows a literal rainbow of colors which are line worked into several heady wig wags. Those wig wags are also infused with a ton of pink Slyme glass, which together with the fumes makes for a jaw dropping coloration. On top of that, the marble used for the kickstand is not only functional, it also contains a sick opal which shines a rainbow all on its own. As you see it standing, this pipe measures 4.25 inches from front to back and it stands 2.5 inches tall at the bowl. It weighs 69 grams.



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